The Ultimate Guide to using sunscreen.


Wearing sunscreen is one of the best and simplest ways to protect the health and appearance of your skin at any age. Sunburn, skin cancer, and premature aging can all be prevented by regularly applying sunscreen. It stops the development of acne and other sun damage brought on by too much exposure to the sun. Your skin can become sunburned and damaged by radiation exposure. Sunscreens are necessary accessories that protect you from UV rays. Sunscreen shields vital skin proteins like collagen, keratin, and elastin. 


The sun protection factor (SPF) measures a sunscreen's capacity to shield users from a particular UVB wavelength of light. Sunburns and skin cancer are caused by UVB radiation. There are two further types of UV light: UVC rays, which are blocked by the earth's atmosphere, and UVA rays, which cause skin aging and skin cancer. A broad-spectrum sunscreen will shield you from UVB and UVA rays.

There are two different classes of active substances that protect you from the sun. They're known as filters. Mineral actives is the name of the first category of filters. Chemical actives are the second class of filters.

The two mineral actives are zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. They function by reflecting sunlight away while resting on top of the skin.


Apply sunscreen at least 15 minutes before venturing outside, and reapply at least once every two hours. It must be reapplied in water every 40 minutes, or more frequently if the directions specify. For testing purposes, 2 mg of lotion is applied to every square centimeter of exposed skin, or roughly 6 teaspoons, to cover the body of an average adult.

The quantity of sunscreen applied:

  •  For the typical body size, one ounce of sunscreen, or the size of a shot glass, is thought to be adequate for a single application.
  • Using additional measures To lessen skin exposure to UV rays, it's also vital to wear clothing, sunglasses, and caps.
  •  How evenly sunscreen is applied: When certain body areas rub or perspire more than others, it is challenging to do this.
  • Quantity used: For the typical body size, one ounce of sunscreen is deemed adequate.
  • The period of time: When the sun is at its highest, such as between 10:00 am and 4:00      pm, it is advisable to avoid trusted Sources. The sun's rays are more powerful at this time.

Regardless of your activities, you must reapply sunscreen at least every two hours to prevent the SPF from degrading. 


The two-finger rule is an SPF application technique in which you apply sunscreen to one area of your body, such as your face or neck, by squeezing it along the length of two (2) fingers. Just squirt enough to cover the area between the tips of your index and middle fingers, slather it on, and then do it again! 

Whether you use the two-finger approach or not, applying (and reapplying) sunscreen is crucial for maintaining the health of your skin. Once more, even two finger-lengths of sunscreen won't cover your complete body; just some areas (such as your face and neck) will be protected.

Consider using sunscreens, which contain the potent antioxidant Niacinamide-C. Do Look for Active Ingredients. It shields your skin from the sun's harmful rays while also nourishing, fading dark spots, and brightening the skin from the inside out.

Apply sunscreen immediately before putting on any makeup. Sunscreen should always be the last element of your skincare routine. However, you can use the stick or spray versions to reapply sunscreen over top of makeup)

Apply enough. Not applying enough sunscreen is among the biggest sunscreen usage errors. Reapply at every opportunity. The importance of reapplication is equal to that of the initial application. Create an alarm to serve as a reminder.

Sreeja Deb

BeautyBest sunscreenSkincareSummer skin protectionSunscreenTan removalTanning

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